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How to read your Reports page

Understanding each section of the Reports page in Pirate Ship

Updated over a week ago

Here is a comprehensive breakdown of each section on the Reports page you'll find on Pirate Ship:

Pirate Ship saved you

  • See how much you've saved: The first item on the Reports page shows exactly how much booty you have saved on your labels since you started shipping with Pirate Ship 🤑

    • In other words, this figure shows the extra money you would have paid to ship your packages directly with USPS® or UPS® without any discounts.

Pending Returns

  • Outstanding Return Labels: This section shows the total amount of pending Return Labels you have created that have not yet been scanned in by USPS or UPS yet.

    • Once USPS or UPS scans in any return labels, this section will update to reflect that. You can also view all the return labels you've ever made by clicking "View Return Labels."

    • Note: You won't be charged for USPS return labels until USPS scans them in, while UPS won't charge you until the return package is delivered.

Learn more about how return labels work.

Pending Refunds

  • Amount of refunds in process: Here, you'll see all the labels you've refunded that have not yet been approved.

    • Refunds are credited to your Account Balance: Once USPS or UPS approves a refund, we automatically apply that credit to your Account Balance.

    • How to credit your original payment method: You can move credits from refunds back to your original payment method once they come through...just click the blue "Refund Credit" button below your Account Balance 😉

Account Balance

  • How much booty you've banked: Your Account Balance shows the amount of funds you have in your Pirate Ship account to pay for labels.

    • How funds get added: Funds get added to your account balance whenever you "Add Credit," receive refunds from unused labels, or receive a positive adjustment of any kind.

    • Drawing from your Account Balance: When you have funds available in your account balance, we automatically apply those funds toward shipping labels 👍

  • Refunding your Account Balance: You can refund any credit in your account balance to your original payment method by clicking the blue "Refund Credit" text underneath your balance.

Total Shipping Costs

  • How much you've spent on shipping: This section displays the amount of money you've allocated towards shipping labels.

    • This is different from added credits: Note that this does not reflect the total amount of credit you have added to your account—only the funds that have been applied to shipping labels and their associated costs 👍

    • Adjustments impact total shipping costs: Similarly, whenever you receive a positive adjustment via a refund or a credit, your Total Shipping Costs will reflect this, and will decrease by that amount.

Carrier Adjustments

  • Shipping costs you pay after you ship: This section shows the amount of money USPS or UPS has charged you for any adjustments to your original label costs.

    • USPS Automated Package Verification: USPS has an Automated Package Verification (APV) system that will sometimes charge you after a package is delivered—or "make adjustments" to your account—if they determine that your box or envelope is different than the information you entered when creating your label 🙈

    • UPS surcharges: Similarly, UPS labels are subject to certain surcharges that will appear in this section alongside any USPS adjustments.

  • See all Carrier Adjustments: You can see all carrier adjustments to your account by clicking "View All Adjustments."

Total Payments

  • All your payments added up: This section displays the total of all the payments you have applied to your Pirate Ship account, including the cost of all your labels, carrier adjustments, and credit added.

    • Total Payments vs. Total Shipping Costs: Be sure not to confuse this "Total Payments" section with "Total Shipping Costs," since these numbers can be quite different based on how you choose to pay for postage 😅

    • Refunds aren't applied to Total Payments: Whenever a refund or credit is applied to your Account Balance, the Total Payments won't reflect this. Instead, it only reflects the total money you've spent in your account.

Average Cost

  • Your average cost per package: This section displays your average cost per shipment, based on all the labels you've bought during the specific period designated at the top of your Reports page.

Avg. Domestic

  • Average shipping cost within the U.S.: "Avg. Domestic" displays the average cost of one of your packages sent within the United States (including military addresses and U.S. Territories), based on the domestic labels you've purchased.

Avg. International

  • Average international shipping cost: "Avg. International" displays the average cost of one of your packages sent outside of the United States, based on the international labels you've purchased.

New Shipments

  • Your amount of unscanned labels: When you purchase any new labels that USPS or UPS has not yet scanned in, they will appear in this "New Shipments" section.

    • Once USPS or UPS scans these labels and marks the packages as 'In Transit,' this section will update to reflect that 👌

Delivery Issues

  • Packages marked as undeliverable: This section displays any labels that USPS or UPS marked as undeliverable, as in the case of an insufficient address, a package refusal, or lack of access to a delivery point.

Total Shipments

  • How many packages you've sent: This section displays all of the shipments you have created over the specific period designated at the top of your Reports page.


  • Charting the shipping services you use: If you hover over each section of this pie chart, you will be able to see the percentage allocation of all of the different services you have purchased.

    • This applies to domestic services such as USPS Ground Advantage and Priority Mail, as well as international services like Simple Export Rate® and Priority Mail International.

Recipient Zones

  • Charting where your packages go: "Recipient Zones" is a colored bar graph that displays a visual representation of which zones you have shipped to the most.

    • Similar to the "Services" section next to it, you can hover over each of these colored columns to view the exact percentage of shipments you have created to each particular USPS and UPS Zone.

Top States

  • Five states you ship to the most: The "Top States" section displays the top 5 states you've shipped to since creating your account. The darker shade of green the state is, the more you have shipped there.

    • See average costs: This section also displays how many shipments you've sent to these top 5 states, as well as the average cost of all the shipments you've sent there.

Top International Countries

  • Five countries you ship to the most: Similar to the "Top States," this section shows you the percentage allocation of the top countries you've shipped to, with the darker-green destinations signifying where you have shipped to the most in the world 🌏

    • See average costs: This section also displays the average cost of all the shipments you've sent to these particular countries, as well as the total number of shipments to each one.

Transaction History

  • See every transaction you've made: The last section of your Reports page details every transaction you have made since creating your account 💳

    • The nitty gritty details: Your Transaction History will show you each label you purchased, to whom it was addressed, and how much it cost.

      • This section will also show any other additions or subtractions to your Account Balance, including approved refunds, carrier adjustments, insurance payouts, and any miscellaneous credits.

  • Navigating your Transaction History: This quick video shows you how to navigate to your Transaction History:

Chat with ARRrrr Support Crew if y'ee need help or wish to parlay

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