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My label has the wrong ship date. Do I need to change it?
My label has the wrong ship date. Do I need to change it?

Learn about correcting the ship date on your label and why the best option is to refund and create old labels

Updated over a month ago

USPS® shipments

  • USPS shipments: In general, USPS® wants you to ship your package as close to the Ship date as you can. That said, when shipping USPS® packages, you generally shouldn't have any trouble as long as you're handing the package to the Postal Service within a few days of the date on the label.

    • Whether USPS accepts packages with an old ship date is at the discretion of the USPS employee, so be super nice about it 😉

UPS® shipments

  • UPS® shipments: UPS prefers that you use your labels as soon as possible after purchasing them. If UPS considers a label too old to use, there's a chance that the package will be routed to a UPS Overgoods location, which is a facility where UPS holds packages that are unable to be recovered 🙈

Old UPS labels should be recreated

  • Best practice for old UPS labels: If a UPS label has been sitting without being used, the best practice is to simply recreate it and pay for a new one!

    • Auto-refunds after 28 days: Keep in mind that our software automatically refunds labels after 28 days. If your UPS label is auto-refunded, you'll need to recreate that label and not use the original refunded label when shipping out your package 👍

  • Don't use refunded or duplicate UPS labels: If you use a refunded label or if you use a label more than once, that package will get sent to a UPS Overgoods location and will be unable to be recovered.

You can't edit a label once you buy it

  • Your Ship Date can't be changed: Unfortunately, once you’ve purchased a label there is no way to edit it. So, if you need to change the Ship Date, you will have to request a refund for the label and start over.

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