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How to refund UPS labels

The refund process for UPS labels is the same as for USPS labels, but faster

Updated over 8 months ago

If you need to refund a label you bought with UPS, the process isn't too different from USPS ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here's everything you need to know about how refunding UPS labels works on Pirate Ship:

Click the Refund Button on your shipment page to refund a UPS label

  • Refunding a UPS Label: To refund your UPS label, click the label you want to refund on your Ship page and navigate to the bottom of that shipment's page. There, you'll see a red "Refund Label" button ๐Ÿ‘Œ

    • Here's how that looks:

UPS approves refund requests for labels within an hour

  • Fast Refund Approval: Whether you have printed out your label or not, it only takes about an hour for UPS refunds to get approved!

Pirate Ship auto-refunds any unused labels after 28 days

  • Use UPS Labels ASAP: UPS prefers that you use your labels as soon as possible after purchasing them. If UPS considers a label too old to use, there's a chance that the package will be routed to a UPS Overgoods location, which is a facility where UPS holds packages that are unable to be recovered ๐Ÿ™ˆ

    • Recreating Old Labels as Best Practice: If a UPS label has been sitting without being used, the best practice is to simply recreate it and pay for a new one!

      • If your UPS label is auto-refunded, you'll need to recreate that label and not use the original refunded label when shipping out your package.

  • Don't Use Refunded or Duplicate Labels: If you use a refunded label or if you use a label more than once, that package will get sent to a UPS Overgoods location and will be unable to be recovered ๐Ÿ˜…

Where do the refunds go?

  • UPS Refunds Go to Your Account Balance: Like all refunds, you'll see the dollar amount for the label you refunded applied to your Account Balance.

    • Check Your Balance: You can check your Account Balance in your Reports page, where you can also see your Refund History.

  • Credit Your Original Payment Method: Once a refund is approved and applied back to your Account Balance, you can also click "Refund Credit" on your Reports page to send it back to your original payment method ๐Ÿ‘

    • Here's how that looks:

Hoist the flag if you ARRrrr in need of help

Any questions about refunding UPS labels, Cap'n? Send us an email at, or chat with our Support Crew by clicking the blue button. We ARRrrr here to lend a hook ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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