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Can I ship to a recipient without an address using Hold for Pickup?
Can I ship to a recipient without an address using Hold for Pickup?

How to use General Delivery so packages are held at the Post Office for your recipient, and what to do for UPS packages

Updated over a week ago

USPS offers a Hold for Pickup service for anyone who wishes to have their packages held at their local Post Office instead of being delivered directly to their address 👍

While there's currently not a way to request the Hold for Pickup service through Pirate Ship, you can easily format your recipient's address to have their shipment held at the Post Office for pickup using an old-school trick: General Delivery.

General delivery is intended primarily as a temporary means of delivery for people that are just passing through an area, or don't have a permanent address.

Your recipient may be required to present ID to pick up their package, and they may have to go to a different local Post Office than they're expecting, as sometimes only one Post Office in an area handles General Delivery requests.

When you're creating a label in Pirate Ship, simply enter General Delivery in the Address field, and fill out the rest of the address like normal:

Screenshot of the 'Create a Single Label' form, with the Address field highlighted. In the address field, it says 'General Delivery.'

The information in the City, State, and Zipcode fields will be enough to ensure this package is routed to your recipient's Post Office and held until they can pick it up 🎉

Note that Post Offices will only hold the package for your recipient for 30 days.

What to do for UPS packages

UPS packages are a bit different, since UPS doesn't offer a "General Delivery" option for recipients without an address, or a free "Hold for Pickup" service.

That said, they do offer a "Will Call" option that you can request by intercepting the package once you ship it. With this option, your recipient can pick up their package at any local UPS Access Point. UPS typically imposes a $18.60 surcharge when you intercept a package to reroute it or return it to yourself, but keeping a package held for "Will Call" at a UPS location is free!

If you need to intercept a UPS package to hold it for "Will Call," live chat with us or send us an email at - we'll make it happen for you 💪

Any questions? We're here to help!

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