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Can I export a report of my shipment history?
Can I export a report of my shipment history?

Find out how you can use the Shipments grid to do shipping data-based tasks

Updated this week
  • See your shipping history: It's easy to access a grid of your entire shipping history, either by doing a "blank" search on the Ship page or going to the Reports page and clicking "View All Shipments" in the Total Shipments section.

How to use the Shipments grid to export reports

  • Uses of the Shipments Grid: Through this Shipments grid, you can:

    • Filter shipments based on tracking status, shipping service, and more

    • Sort labels in a specific order for printing

    • Export a report of every package you've ever sent

    • Create records of shipping information for accounting purposes

  • Export a report: To get started, head over to the Ship page and perform a "blank" search by clicking the magnifying glass with no text entered in the search field.

    • This video shows you how that works:

  • See a detailed list: This will bring you to your Shipments grid, which is a detailed list of all of your label purchases to date:

Screenshot of the Shipment Grid, listing all labels purchased on the account.
  • Customize columns in the grid: We display the most commonly used data columns by default, but more data is available if you need it! You can fully customize which columns to display in your Shipment Grid.

    • Some common columns to search for include: State, Country, Order ID, Carrier, and Service (i.e. which shipping service you used).

    • To customize your columns, click any column header to open the filter menu, click the Columns option at the bottom, and choose which columns you'd like to show or hide. Here's how that looks:

Screenshot of the Shipment grid- one of the column headers were clicked, which reveals sorting options and a 'Columns' option at the bottom. When 'Columns' is clicked, this reveals all of the column header options that are available to show or hide, with checkboxes to the left of them.
  • Scroll right to see more columns: If you've got a lot of columns displayed on a small screen, you may have to scroll to the right to see them all.

    • You can also drag'n'drop the columns to rearrange them; just click-and-drag the column header to where you'd like it.

  • Exporting a report: You can export all the shipments in the current filter or search to a spreadsheet for further analysis or accounting needs by clicking the Export button.

Other uses for the Shipments grid

Other than exporting reports of your shipping history, you can also use the Shipments grid to help with tasks like printing batches of labels and requesting refunds.

  • Printing multiple labels: To choose which labels you'd like to print in your Shipments grid, simply check the box on the left-hand side of the grid.

    • The order matters: Whichever order you check them in is the order they'll be printed in. You can also use the select-all checkbox at the top left to select all the shipments in the current filter or search.

  • Requesting refunds: If a red "Refund" button appears next to your shipment, that means the label is less than 28 days old and you can request a refund for it if you're not going to use it.

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