Enable Packing Lists: To enable Packing Lists or Gift Messages, go to Settings > General Settings.
Automatic Packing Lists with integrations: If you buy your labels by importing orders from one of the eCommerce platforms Pirate Ship integrates with, Pirate Ship will create packing lists and/or gift messages using the order details from your eCommerce platform.
Not available for single labels or spreadsheets: This feature does not currently work for labels created using the Single Label form or by uploading a spreadsheet.
Packing Lists vs. Rubber Stamps: Packing Lists and Gift Messages are generated separately from the label, so you can put them into the package. This makes them different from Rubber Stamps, which are a way to put order information onto the corner of a label.
Packing Lists (includes gift messages)
What's in a Packing List? Pirate Ship creates Packing Lists using your Ship From address and these order details:
Order ID
Order Date
Item Name
Gift Message (if available)
Ship Date
Shipping Service
Dimensions & Weight
Tracking Number
How Packing Lists print
Packing Lists print differently depending on the type of printer you're using. Here's what you need to know:
Desktop printer: If you use a regular desktop printer, you can have your labels and Packing Lists printed side-by-side like this:
4x6" label printer: If you use a 4x6" label printer, then Packing Lists will come out after each label, like this:
Gift Message
If an order includes a gift message, Pirate Ship can generate the entire gift message on a separate page from the label. The shipping service, dimensions, weight, and tracking number will also be included at the bottom, just in case it becomes separated from the label.
If you use a regular desktop printer, you can have the labels and Gift Messages be formatted side by side like this:
Or, if you use a 4x6" label printer, then Gift Messages will come out right after the label, like this:
You can enable Packing Lists after you import orders & buy labels
Print Packing Lists after buying the labels: If you purchase labels through the integration with Packing Lists disabled, but you end up needing them, you can turn them on in your Settings > General Settings after the fact 😉
No refund required: You don't need to refund and purchase any of those labels again.
Additional Resources