Depending on which carrier you plan to use, shipping a tube is a bit different of a process from sending a normal package. Here's what you need to know:
Select "Irregular Package" from the Extra Services drop-down menu
Select the Irregular Package checkbox: Whether you plan on shipping with USPS® or UPS®, you need to select the "Irregular Package" checkbox from the Extra Services drop-down menu when creating a single label.
Here's how that looks:
Tubes are irregular packages: This checkbox is specifically designated for unusual package shapes, and tubes fall into this category 😉
Learn more about sending an irregular package.
Tubes are subject to minimum dimension requirements: If you're having trouble buying a label for your tube, it could be because your dimensions don't meet the minimum package requirements.
The minimum dimensions a package can be are 6x3x0.25". When entering your info, changing one of your tube's dimensions to 3" should let you proceed with purchasing your label.
For example, if your tube's measurements are 20x2x2", you can enter the dimensions as 20x3x2" when creating your label in Pirate Ship.
Shipping a tube with USPS
No cubic rates available: USPS considers tubes to be boxes. However, you can't use tubes for some services such as Priority Mail Cubic. Marking the "irregular package" checkbox will remove Cubic as an option 👍
Selecting the correct packaging type: When creating a label, simply select the "Box or Rigid Packaging" package type from the Type of Packaging dropdown, and enter the dimensions as if the tube were rectangular. You will be charged the same rate as if it were a box.
If you're using a USPS-branded Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express Tube, make sure to select the corresponding service from the Service dropdown before you click the BUY button.
For example, if you're using a Priority Mail Express-branded tube, you need to buy Priority Mail Express postage.
Nonstandard fees may apply: USPS Priority Mail/Priority Mail Express tubes incur nonstandard fees, which are extra costs that you'll need to pay on top of your postage.
The USPS tubes that incur nonstandard fees are below:
The PM/PME medium 1098 tube will incur a $18 nonstandard fee
The PM/PME small 1098S tube will incur a $4 nonstandard fee
Tubes under 22" won't incur nonstandard fees: Unless you're using a Priority Mail/Priority Mail Express tube, your tube won't incur USPS nonstandard fees unless its length exceeds 22 inches.
Learn more about the USPS nonstandard fees you may incur.
Shipping a tube with UPS
Mark a tube as an Irregular Package: For UPS, the same process applies; mark it as an "Irregular Package" and then select the "Box or Rigid" package type from the Type of Packaging dropdown menu.
Next, enter the dimensions like the tube were rectangular, and you're good to go 👌
If you're using the UPS Express Tube, mark it as an "Irregular Package," and then be sure to select that specific packaging option from the Type of Packaging drop-down menu when creating a single label.
Here's what you'll need to look for in that case:
Tubes may incur surcharges: Tubes may trigger an Additional Handling surcharge that you'll need to pay on top of your original postage. Since UPS needs to sort these unbalanced packages by hand, they impose an adjustment on your account for the extra cost.
Learn more about UPS surcharges on Pirate Ship.