Tracking emails are sent from our domain by default: By default, Pirate Ship will send tracking emails from with your email address as the reply-to.
Most email software will honor the reply-to, but some old-school email software ignores it, which means your recipient might accidentally reply to, which is not monitored.
Verifying your email address ensures you receive replies to your tracking emails
Verify your email to get replies: To ensure you receive any replies to your tracking emails, go to Settings > Tracking Emails, edit your template, and click the "Verify Email" button.
Here's how that looks:
Click the Postmark link: We use a company called Postmark to send tracking emails, so to verify your email address you'll need to click a link in an email that Postmark will send you.
Use an email address from your domain: Please note that providers like Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc. don't allow third-party senders, so you cannot verify email addresses from those services 🙈 You will need to use an email address from your own domain name.
Add DKIM & Return Path verification: Once you've verified your email address, you can add DKIM and Return Path records to your domain name's DNS, which lowers your email's chances of being filtered into a spam box.
Note that verifying DKIM and your Return Path is optional, but recommended to support proper delivery to your recipients' inboxes.