All shipping carriers adjust rates every year, including USPS® and UPS®
Shipping rate changes happen yearly: USPS and UPS adjust their rates each year to account for changes in their costs (since fuel prices and transportation expenses are always changing).
These potential increases typically happen every January, but can sometimes occur in other parts of the year. In some cases, price increases may only apply to some services and not others.
We'll always update you with any changes: As soon as any price increases from USPS® or UPS® are announced (temporary or otherwise), we’ll let you know about it so you can be prepared. This practice is not unique to USPS® and UPS® and happens with every shipping carrier.
No fees, markups, or minimums: Pirate Ship will never charge any fees or markup on top of the deepest discounts available, so you'll always have access to the deepest possible USPS discounts and pre-negotiated UPS rates.