You can only see which shipping service your customer requested if you're using one of our integrations
See your customers' requested service: If you've connected your eCommerce platform to buy shipping labels for your orders, Pirate Ship can show you what shipping service your customers selected when they were checking out.
This feature is only available for orders you import from one of our integrations.
Here's a quick video showing you where to find that info:
A step-by-step process to see your customers' requested service
Follow these steps: Here's a five-step process to view your customers' requested shipping services in your Import grid:
1. Go to the Import page in Pirate Ship.
2. Click any column header to open the filter menu.
3. Open the Columns section at the bottom of that menu.
4. Check the "Requested Shipping Service" column.
5. You may have to scroll to the right to see the new column.
Customize Your Import Grid: Here's more information on customizing the data shown on the Import page.
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